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COVID19 Free Physical Health Support

Plymouth Sports Charity

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

You're not alone

Weeks into the COVID19 lockdown, we lose track of days, focus, motivation, healthy structure, social interaction and for some much worse. It has never been more important to reach out for help if you are feeling the strain of any of the above. These unprecedented times have never been played out in our life time, which means you have to go easy on yourself and try new ways of adapting to help improve your self care.

Funded Support

PS Charity can announce we have been fortunate enough to have received funding from Devon Community Foundation, to help support those who are physically struggling through COVID19. We understand the trials and tribulations encountered by many people trying to overcome feelings of isolation and helplessness every day. You cannot change the current situation, but you can help change the way you feel.

PS Charity have created a programme specifically for COVID19, which is attainable for anyone in Plymouth who is struggling to strike the balance between physical activity and positive mental health. Admittedly there are many free resources out there on YouTube giving access to exercises which you can join in at home, however some of us need a little more than that. That is why PS Charity have formulated a structured programme, as we can provide the additional hand that you may need to hold to help you through a challenging time.

How can we help you?

PS Charity are experienced in working with the vulnerable and people with poor physical and mental health, which is why we are equipped to give you the support you need right now. It does not matter who you are or where you come from, we have groups of people from all walks of life that require assistance during COVID19. Our programmes will give you access to a bespoke personal training programme (just for you), live group or individual exercise sessions (structured to your ability), access to our online training portal detailing healthy food choices and exercises (if you want additional work) and 1-2-1 or group interaction time.

Having someone to talk to who will not judge or ignore you can sometimes be just the encouragement you need. Our group sessions are friendly, inviting and tick the social interaction boxes you could be missing. If you prefer more intimate communication, our 1-2-1 sessions may be more suitable. Either way, the sessions will provide motivation, direction and a route to healthier, positive more active version of you.

For information on how to join one of our free programmes, please get in touch with Dan or Alex on or 07568 141747 or sign up.


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