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Garfield Weston Foundation Pledge

Plymouth Sports Charity

A big thank you to The Garfield Weston Foundation for a pledge towards up scaling our work to Exeter and Torquay.

The 2 year long project that up scales our work and reach, specifically contributes to bringing disadvantaged and at risk males together and building strong relationship in and across communities and will enable more males to fulfill their potential by working to address issues at the earliest possible stage, thereby saving costs that would be incurred on acute physical and mental health services.

It will provide accessible and inclusive health and well-being centres for disadvantaged males aged 16-55yrs who have poor physical health and limited opportunities. This will have a knock on improvement in their mental and social well-being.

The main focus will be to bring people together to run physical improvement sessions such as martial arts, circuit training, fitness sessions, and one to one personal training. Participants will be offered an individual bespoke fitness routine. The aim will be to engage young males experiencing isolation, as well as various mental and physical health issues, into active sessions and enable them to fulfill their potential.

Watch this space for more info and how to get involved.


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