A unique opportunity for men in Plymouth to receive funded personal training, boot-camp sessions and online fitness and health plans. A chance to work with experienced personal trainers to improve health and breakdown barriers to a health lifestyle.

We aim to bring men together to run physical improvement sessions such as circuit training, one to one personal training and online health plans. Participants will be offered an individual bespoke fitness routine that can followed with us in a gym or at home. The aim will be to engage males experiencing poor health into active sessions and enable them to fulfil their potential. From pre-project questionnaires we will create a plan that suits your goals, time scales and availability that ultimately leads to a healthier version of yourself.
Build your healthy habits now. Small steps leads to a big change.
If you are suffering from low mood, poor health or lacking motivation to make a change, contact us now for a bespoke and supportive service that works with you to improve your physical health. We have teamed up with the Life centre to offer a great opportunity to improve your health in one of the top facilities in the city. Here you will gain knowledge of routines, exercises and nutrition to build a sustainable plan that works for you. As well as contact session we can offer online support, plans, and even access to our library of workouts and tips.
More then just a personal training session
We're not here to help get fit at a cost to your pocket. We aim to not only improve your health but to create a personal plan that builds a sustainable habit, a program that works with you, taking into account your current level of fitness, injuries or illness and life style. We aim to educate on a healthy life style, how to achieve it and how to sustain it. We can offer exit routes, qualifications and further support to build health habits.
Previous users have not only lost fat, built muscle but gone on to work in the industry through gaining fitness qualifications and employment opportunities.

Project update: - November 2019: To date we have had 19 men attend on a regular basis, both to circuits sessions in central park and personal training in the life centre. Already we have seen improvements in their physical health through body stat and weight measurements coupled with recordings of improved mood, motivation and energy. The group have come together to form friendships and improve life skills. These sessions are providing a positive platform to interact, learn and develop to reach their specific goals. We have 8 users enrolled on a Lv2 fitness instructor course utilising the skills they have learned to achieve a recognised qualification in the fitness industry.